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     Poems   Messages

     that our friends in prison like to share with us!


I will not be held responsible for the contents of all these writings & poems.
I offer the prisoners the opportunity to express themselves. I can only
hope that people recognize the value of what I am doing. Since the system does
not want violence in their prisons, these prisoners need other means to vent
frustration, hope, anger and all other kind of emotions. Therefore I give
them an opportunity for self-expression in a harmless manner!



By Anthony Sanchez


You're my Sun

My days are sad, lonely, cold & blue,
My days would be over if it weren't for you,
You have brighten my days & put a smile on my face,
You are the sun in my world, the memory that can't be erased.

If I could ever dream up the best sister & friend to come true,
I'd wake up in the morning and find you,
You're the coolest and yet the best,
My life is a sky, people are stars, my loved ones outshine the rest.

You're the sun in my world everyday,
You who has chased those bad clouds and days away,
You are my everything, you are my all.

Take in your heart all the love I give,
And I take your love in mine so that I may live,
On my saddest days when I feel alone, I look in the sky 
and know you are there, Shining your love on me & letting 
me know you will always care.

These words I say, believe they re true,
These words I say are said from my heart to you,
In this world sometimes love is hard to find,
But know that no matter what, you will always have mine.

Letter to myself

Don’t do it baby, why must you do me like this.
Why must you hurt me and fix it all with a kiss.
I forgive all the pain that you bring me,
But there are so many things wrong things you don’t see.
You hurt me and don’t even know what you do,
And all I can do is love you and be true to you.
I want so much to tell you how you make me feel,
But I sit here alone watching my heart peel and turn into tired old
Memories of the past.
I was so in love with you, the you from the past,
You gave me hopes, dreams, promises it would last,
How could you say all those things to me and leave me.
Instead of sticking by your word, you go and deceive me,
You said I always did wrong, but it seems you never believe in me.
Now I sit here thinking on all them times you lied to me,
Knowing your untrue and are not who you tried to be,
I held on to all those empty dreams,
All the dead-ends so you could deceive me by talking bad about me
To all our friends.
My sweet love is endless like the sands of time,
My love and time I assure you, you will take up none of mine.

For Anthony Sanchez his ad click here



By Robert Judd

 Late at night, I sit alone.....in the bathroom upon
my porcelain throne. Though sometimes I wish it's a 
dream, I know it cannot be, for I only want to scream
and scream and scream.

As I think back on the days event, I wonder...was each
moment usefully spent? Then someone uses the urinal on
the other side of the wall, but to me they are a million
miles away....down a long dark hall!

Away they go, as I take a drag from my cigarette, thinking
my thoughts of many regret! Hanging my head low, I run my
fingers through my hair.....thinking of friends & family,
what are they doing out there?

The clock ticks while I sit and away I pine, fooling myself
by saying: "it's ok, it'll turn out fine". All around me is
quietness & still....hanging about this restroom I realize
is not a great thrill.

So I go back, to my lonely uncomfortable bed, thankful for
I have somewhere soft to lay my head. As I close my eyes and
drift towards my dreams....I'm happy, for this concludes my
day of silent screams

For Robert his ad click here


By Howard Woods

My Friend

Life has been good despite the many obstacles I've faced.
I'm physically and mentally capable of overcoming whatever
sent my way, for there are people like you, to share
my hurts and pain to help me see the sun even through the rain.

I'm glad that that you are a friend, a rare, but treasured friend
You've been there for me through the good and bad times inspiring
just a little higher to never give up by saying I'm tired.

For Howard his ad click here



By Darren Deers Walking

Healing Way

I saw an eagle in my dream,
it had a bent and broken wing.

This great and noble Bird of Pray, 
sent my spirit to sing this day.

Ancient songs my grandfather taught
to heal a soul, a limb, a thought.

For as a nation we must stand,
to heal the pain of a broken land.

Our Mother's love a healing way,
an eagle's flight and so we pray

On sacred smoke Lakota sing,
Mitakye Oyas'in.

Darren Deers Walking
First day of Summer Solstice Fast


Running water on my mind
Reminds me of my life in kind
A single drop at first defined
Becomes a flow with others entwined
A violent rush and my future is signed
All love, family and tribe left behind
I dwell in a pool of filth and to none have I whined
In nature's way all water will be refined
Faith, Love and Hope of these I bind,
To Creator's great plan I am not blind
The path of my spirit has been defined

Have you seen my heart?

Have you seen my heart?
Watching you give your hair
its nightly one hundred strokes.

Have you seen my heart?
Watching you share your unconditional
love with all kinds of different folks.

Have you seen my heart?
Watching you braid my hair while getting
ready for traditional dance.

Have you seen my heart?
Watching you glide around the circle
and freezing me with just your glance.

Have you seen my heart?
Watching you pack the powwow wagon while
laughing as you put up with my old friend.

Have you seen my heart?
Watching you kid and joke me about the face
I made when I dropped my lunch in my lap until
I smiled in the end.

Have you seen my heart?
Watching you give thanks every day
for the wonderful life that we live.

Have you seen my heart?
Watching you watching me as I sit here writing
about the unconditional love that you give.

Have you seen my heart?
Watching you while praying that we never part.

Lost Souls

Through the silent Night he walks alone,
along the halls of steal and stone.

His name and home he has forgotten,
in this place where souls turn rotten.

I see him on his nightly rome,
I pray Grandfather to bring him home.

On sacred smoke to cleans his sin,
with ancient songs I pray, Mitakuye Oyasin

For Darren his ad click here




By Matt Red Deer Driggers

Imagine you with no world

Imagine a world where no music was playing,
then think of a world where nobody's praying.
If you ever looked up at the sky where no stars are shining.
then you've seen a picture of you with no world.

Have you walked in a garden where nothing was growing?
or stood by a river when nothing was flowing?
If you've seen a red rose unkissed by the dew,
then you've seen a picture of you with no world.

Can you picture the spirit world with nobody singing?
Or a quiet Sunday morning with no little kids playing.

Can you see people what has got to be done?
We got to save our world or there won't be any sun!

Another day in Chains......

Another day in chains screams wracking the nerves echoing
down corridors, my mind seeks escape from the monotony of
incarceration, from the punishment of repetitiveness.

I begin to feel the sun that never shines in here, I start to
feel the wind these thick walls keep out, that are kept so far
away, I again see the sights that seclusion stole away.
I taste the food, and freedom that has ceased to pass
these lips, I hear the music and hearty laughter, that
has long since died away, I hold the body close to mine
that has forgotten where I stay, I whisper words of hope
and of futures that I thought I'd never again say.

My heart, my spirit, a constant battle unconscious,
conscious of the vile surroundings: how I have learn
to hate. The little things in life I miss have made me
appreciate, each all the more: how I learned to love!!!

The child, the innocent banter so long ago, so far it
seems: the giggles, the smiles, the endless questions
soon grown and gone, all in a whisper of time.
My heart cries for just a little time to fight for folk
and family, the spirit of the wind brought me sweet memories,
that I pray one day these dreams will be....


Sometimes when I'm alone, I listen to the rain
as it falls past my window, every drop sounds the same.
Sometimes I count the bricks, that surround me day and night.
Sometimes I think of you and your image fills my sight.
Sometimes I hold your hand when I pretend that you are near,
and when I try and kiss you, you always disappear.
Sometimes I lay awake in this cold empty bed,
I listen to my heartbeat, as thoughts of you flow through my head.
Sometimes I hear your voice when I awaken from a dream,
Sometimes I want to escape, but I don't know where to run,
because if I could, I would.
I would run so far away where no clouds can't hide the sun.
Yet all the times I feel so happy each time I get a letter,
you know just what to say, and make my day so much better....
Sometimes I see a fallen star, and I wish that you were mine,
I believe that there's a place for you and I somewhere, someday, sometime.

What is an Indian?

What is an Indian? Some confused people might ask.
Some people say that an Indian is a person who does
not work, but gets a check from the government.
Some say that an Indian is lazy and drinks his or
her life away.
But some may say that an Indian got a raw deal from
the government and he or she should get what they can
from the government.
Some say that the government should stop giving the
Native Indians land, checks, and let them make their
own way in this society.

My self I do not see an Indian in the same light as
these confused people see them. I see the Indians
around the Turtle Island, as a group of people
different in their own ways and tribes, but together
by a bond called culture.
I see my ancestors who fought for what was rightly
theirs, and when they won the whites branded them
with a name called savages.
I see the Indians as a group who fought the against
overwhelming odds, and finally giving in for peace,
sign peace treaties, and some living to see the
treaties be broken one by one.
I see the Indians fight war after war giving their
lives to the Great Spirits for what was really theirs.

I see the Indians as a group of people who are proud
and rightly so, because they poses the secrets of life
that the whites has never discovered. I see the Elders
encouraging the young warriors " Always be proud of who
you are and what you are, and stay strong no matter where
you are at, and keep on fighting for freedom".

And when I think of what is an Indian in this light, my
chest gets full of pride and joy, and I say to myself

Matt his ad is no longer online....




By Fred E. Guardipee

The most beautiful dream

Last night I had the most beautiful dream
It was so real or so it seem
I awoke from my dream and
A visitor appeared before me
It was you standing there, your eyes full of tears
I pulled you so close and whispered
Laurelle, don’t cry…..
I’ll always love you till the day I die
I held you, kissed the tears from your face
The tears dissolved, a smile took their place
We talked of tomorrow our hopes, our dreams
Of working together and being a team
We laughed and we talked all through the night
Everything was so perfect, everything was so right
Then suddenly I awakened, the sun on my face
And found myself back in this place, all alone
My dream was so real I almost forgot
It left me thinking and this is my thought
If you believe in your dream
You’re certain to find
That dreams are a reality of your subconscious mind
So my love, don’t think we’re apart forever
For tonight when I dream again
We’ll be together………….

Behind the fence

Behind the fence
So many years have slipped by
So many dreams have lived and died
So many thoughts you may ignore
And so many more will stalk your mind

Behind the fence
The time will fly before your eyes
You feel the pain
But you cannot cry
You fight the blues, you learn to cope
There’s always hope… behind the fence

Behind the fence
You feel alone among the crowd
You talk to yourself when no one’s around
Sometimes you wonder if someone cares
If anyone loves you…. If life is fair

Behind the fence
Sometimes you feel you can’t go on
Sometimes you wish you were never born
Sometimes you dream you’re somewhere else
So far away from all this mess….
Behind the fence….

To believe

To believe is to know that every day is a new beginning.
It is to trust that miracles happen and dreams come true.
To believe is to see angels dancing among the clouds.
To know the wonder of a stardust sky.
And the wisdom of the man in the moon.
To believe is to know the value of a nurturing heart.
The innocence of a child’s eye.
And the beauty of the aging hand
For it is through their teaching we learn love.
To believe is to find the strength.
And the courage that lies within us.
When it is time to pick up the pieces and begin again.
To believe is to know we are not alone.
That live is a gift and this is our time to cherish it.
To believe is to know that wonderful surprises.
Are just waiting to happen.
And all our hopes and dreams are within reach.
If only we believe….

For Fred his ad click here




By Rydell Eaglehawk

Donations needed at the South Dakota State Penitentiary!

Rydell Eaglehawk wants attention for the following!
At the penitentiary he is South Dakota State Penitentiary) they
have a spiritual group called the L.D.N.S.G which stands for
"Lakota Dakota Nakota Spiritual Group" and he is the vice-chairman.
They have Pow Wow's, sweat lodges and sacred pipe ceremonies. There
is a volunteer at the South Dakota State Penitentiary called Mary
Montoya who is in need of donations! Donations used for items like
tobacco, sage, cedar and things like cloth of different colors.

Anyone who is interested donating can contact Mary Montoya!
She 's the Chapel Volunteer for Native Americans in the South Dakota
State Penitentiary & Jamesson, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

emails can be send to:

Or write to: 3508 S. Minnesota Ave., Ste 100
Siox Falls, SD 57105 USA

For Rydell his ad click here




By Donald Elliot

Natchez Prayer

My home is one of heartache
A place of steel and stone…
A barren cell, my home in hell,
And here I must atone…

For all my crimes I pay with time,
Where lights glare night and day…
Tho I rage and pace my cage,
I still must stay and pay…

I the damned within walls crammed,
Lie in my man made grave…
A man all men condemn for sin,
But no one tries to save…

Convict knives take human lives,
Each man remains a stranger…
The screams that go on into the night,
Reminds one of the dangers…

I hear the keys inside the locks,
A tear runs down this cheek of mine…
Then watch the pigs patrol the blocks,
God how I loath doing time…

My home is full of hatred,
Love has no plave to hide…
Men are judged only on strength,
And their foolish pride…

I bare the beast that comes to feast,
Upon my very soul…
Who took my love and left behind,
A hate I can’t control…

Is there a woman left who can love,
What’s left of this man?
Hope, is all I have,
And I certainly hope one can…

To her I give my very soul,
My loyalty, devotion and heart…
One day walk out to my dream love,
Would be a brand new start…

Until she comes into my life,
Inside this hell I’ll stay…
Send her to me soon my Lord,
For true love is what I pray…

For Donald his ad click here




By Marco Gomez

My flowers

Beautiful Xochith, your beauty of light shines through the
darkness of my prison. Papaloth, fly through the bars, spread
your wings to Topan. Let your eyes shine here and beyond. Bless
me with a smile, smile for me once more. I hope to see you once
more, to know your colors. I want to hold you on the palm of my
hand. Allow me to be the Huitzilihuilt that drinks your nectar,
beautiful xochith. Let me behold your petals, your aroma. Into-
xicate me with your smell, with your nectar. Papaloth, fly and
let it be known that only I can hold you.

Hloran, tears

Rain falling, sprinkling the frees. Green as quetzal feathers.
Jade, life’s cycle. Born are the things meant to die. Wither
like the anales. Salt and pepper, the burden of years. Expe-
rience to do things different. Drops of rain, river that flows.
New beginnings, to those that arrived. A new song is born with
life. One meant to bless and guide those gone forever. Song of
joy to those that have arrives. The beautiful jade, symbol of
life. Bless your mother who has bored me for nine months. Ipal
to you my God that has given me this precious jewel. Like Ton-
antzin (Mother Earth) I will do my part. So it has been written
and so says my Tonalli (destiny).untill that day I take my eter-
nal journey across Tonatiuh (Father Sun), to the horizon.


I am not a noble or one of status and if I happen to be I don’t
recognize it. I am an Indian a Macehualtlacath (indigenous Mexican)
who lives humblely. I don’t yearn for jewels or the yellow metal
called gold. Instead I walk with sandles and at times I walk on
bare feet. I don’t wear quetzal plumes on my hair or fancy robes.
I work my land with mare hands, dirt embedded within my nails. My
clothes dirty from a days work, but I don’t condemn my life. I
love my place of humility. To you I am known as a commoner, others
call me Cuachpipltin. But what is a title? Nothing! My people that
work besides me are my equal. I am not above or below. I am here
to serve my patria and foremost my Nican Tlaca (home people). So
I walk down the path, through the road that leads to Tonatiuh. I
walk with head up, high for having served my people. Those of
humble beginnings who shed working beneath the father Sun. and
when the day come for me to perish, bury me not with my regalia,
but with ears of corn and a nopal (cactus). A nopal of our humble

For Marco his ad click here




By Wilson Boneshirt

True Love

Once in your lifetime you find someone who will stay true
to your heart.
Someone who you can share your hopes en dreams with from
the start.

They won’t allow life’s pressures to bring you down and will
help you face your fears.
When you hurt they’ll be right there for you to keep away
any tears.

The happiness you’ll feel will be the one you’ve searched your
whole life for.
The feelings of love will be the greatest and you will always
long for more.

The sun will shine much brighter than before and the skies will
always be blue.
Throughout your journey together in life you will realize that
this love is true.

The bond you share will remain unbroken no matter how rough
the path may be.
Love will unlock the chains of loneliness and set your
heart free.

For Wilson his ad click here




By Benjamin Peters


Every day I wake up, I hope its for the better,
in the temple of solitude with no visits or letter.

Just being Indian is a struggle in itself

Inside looking out, fantasies of freedom,
you could almost taste it.

When you see someone leaving,
wondering why we're still here,
is something I fear
they come up with different methods all through the year

I love my people and others to,
but you have no idea what we were put through,
I'm an Indian, a Native American man,
I'm proud of who I am,
I walk with pride, with the Skokomish clan!

For Benjamin his ad click here




By Ralph Dunuan

Dreams in Time

I asked time tie hear my plea, as it moves forward to wait for me.
As time answered, “It wait for no one”, as we all soon come to see.
It said tell, me the dreams that the minds eye sees to carry along
the path to become reality.

Continue to struggle and continue to strive through perseverance a
dream will coma alive.
This Native face has seen many struggles, but continues to strive,
judge not my environment, but the wisdom held inside.

So lets take hold of time and see where this path leads, for life is
but what the minds eyes sees!

For Ralph his ad click here




By Len Whitman

Her father’s daughter

~This poem is for my friend, who worked her 10 hour shifts,
then went to be with her sick father late into the night.
I never got the chance to meet her “papa”. But I saw him
in her care… he is in her commitment, dedication, love
and sacrifice for her family…~

As I walk under the endless sky
I glance at the glowing full moon.
The healing light falls upon the earth…
And the night knows
You are on your journey to be with
Your father.
In happiness, and in sickness,
The earth knows you are there for
The man who helped give you to the world.
You are your father’s daughter….

Through the night
And through times like this, I ask
For all goodness to be with you.
To give you peace and comfort
As you sit vigil over your “papa”…
You are your father’s daughter in
Ways that only you can ever be.
For his love is given to you…
And in your own unique way you
Share your love with your family…
And with the family of life!

Your heart is the good heart of
Yes, the very same good heart
You carry with you tonight
On your journey…
Have peace and comfort, my friend…
For in the night
The blessed moonlight and the
Healing world is with you.
To give you all the good you have
Given to us! And more…

Oh, Daughter
You are the caring Daughter
Of a good man.
And we are blessed to have you both
Among us...!

For Len his ad click here




By Shane Plain Woman

Pain of separation

The pain of our separation
Weighs heavy on my heart
The one thing I never wanted
Was for us to ever be apart

The one thing in this world
None should ever have to bear
Are these tears of love and loneliness
That I am now destined to wear

I hoped to never have shedded
One single tear from pain over you
Because of the condition of my heart
That is exactly what I am now forced to do

These surely are not the kind of tears
From the rain of a love come to past
They are from the pain of a love untouchable
A love that is truly destined to last

This hurt and pain now in my heart
Will some day surely go away
For I know I will hold you in my arms
Once again before my dying day

For Shane his ad click here




© Copyright Jessie Metz